today i went jogging~
no la~ actually is walking + enjoying the nature XD
the 1st view that attracted me is this~~
nice greenish.. stairs? (+_+'')
maybe is the drain system ba~
anyway~ is very nice~ just like it~

then i continued my journey enjoying cool breeze and warm sun~
suddenly i saw a creature at the side of the field~ (O[]O!!)
i don't know what is it called~
is a reptile lu~~ looked bit bit like snake~
not far from the place where i found the creature above~
i was attracted by some beautiful flowers~
again~ i dont know what is it called~ :P

later~ when i walked pass the rumah universiti~
i saw squirrel~~ so cute~ \(^o^)/
but it looked a bit like mouse le~ (@.@'')
hehe~ instead of plain jogging~
i prefer to jog + walk + look around~
that's why i fell down this morning somewhere near 3rd college (>~<'')
a taxi uncle saw me fell down~
he thought i'm gonna faint and insisted on sending me back to college F.O.C.~
sorry and thank you very much ar uncle~ (>//<)
p/s: today i met some kind people~ happy + nice~ :D