He is someone very close to me..
He is the first one who hug me..
He is the first one who kiss me..
He is the first one who see me cry..
He is the first one who protect me always..
He is someone that I love;
He is someone that I care..
He is my lovely DAD~ :)
When I was young,
I used to dislike him..
because I was young and naive,
I don't understand my dad..
I thought that he is unreasonable,
I thought that he is unfriendly,
I thought that he is not caring..
But I was so wrong..
Now, I understand him more..
He is not unreasonable,
he just has his own principles..
He is not unfriendly,
he just doesn't know how to express himself..
He is not not caring,
he just show his caring in another way..
For example,
If mum skip one of her meal,
instead of
"Honey, don't skip meal, is not good for you.",
"Honey, don't skip meal, is not good for you.",
he will say:
"Why didn't eat?! Wanna get kill by gastric pain is it?!"
Lolz~ isn't it cute?
Everytime when my dad talks to me,
A probability of 85% I will cry and I don't know why.. >_<"
15% of chance I didn't cry because I bear it~ X)
Everytime my dad talks to me,
every single words from him touched my heart~
Have you ever observe your dad while he is working?
If you never, you should try it~
I did that before,
Observing my dad while he is working~
and I ended up crying.. >_<''
Have you ever look at your dad clearly while he is talking?
I did,
I noticed that more wrinkles are found..
and I realised that he is getting older..
Tears were rolling in my eyes..
*gosh.. what a cry baby >_<*
Dad, you are the greatest dad ever~!
You are the Hero in my heart~
Love you always~!!

♥My Superdad♥
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